“The Pact for Desire” stands as a captivating cinematic journey, meticulously crafted and brought to life under the direction of Christopher Sammut. Co-written by Christopher and Zachary Sammut, this short film transcends the boundaries of reality and fiction, ensnaring its audience in a world filled with mysterious encounters and enigmatic pacts. With its intriguing cast and compelling narrative, the film explores the depths of human emotion and the supernatural realm.

Character Dynamics and Performances:

Zachary Sammut as PI Jack: In his portrayal of PI Jack, Zachary Sammut delivers a performance that encapsulates the character’s internal turmoil and haunted past. As a private investigator embroiled in a nightmarish reality, Zachary brings a sense of vulnerability and intensity to the role, creating a character that is both relatable and intriguing. His journey through the surreal alleys and his interactions with the enigmatic Devil showcase his ability to navigate complex emotional landscapes, making his performance a cornerstone of the film.

Christopher Sammut as The Devil: Embodying the sinister and enigmatic Devil, Christopher Sammut delivers a chilling performance that captivates and terrifies. His character serves as both a tempter and a guide, leading PI Jack through a labyrinth of dark desires and twisted truths. Christopher’s portrayal adds a layer of sophistication and mystery to the character, making every encounter with him a highlight of the film.

Emma Sammut as the Mystical Girl: Emma Sammut takes on the role of the Mystical Girl, a cryptic character who guides PI Jack through his surreal journey. Her performance adds a touch of intrigue and mystique to the film, as she becomes a key player in unraveling the mysteries that surround PI Jack. Emma’s portrayal captures the ethereal nature of her character, leaving a lasting impression on the audience.

Margot Sammut as The Women: Margot Sammut’s role as The Women adds complexity and depth to the film’s narrative. Her character plays a pivotal role in PI Jack’s journey, as she navigates through the intricate web of illusions and reality. Margot’s performance enhances the film’s thematic exploration of desire and the supernatural, making her character an integral part of the story.

The Artistic Vision of Christopher Sammut:

As the director, cinematographer, and composer of “The Pact for Desire,” Christopher Sammut’s artistic vision is evident in every frame of the film. His ability to weave together a narrative that is both visually stunning and emotionally resonant showcases his skill as a filmmaker. The black and white color palette, combined with the haunting musical score, creates an atmosphere that is immersive and evocative.

Discovering “The Pact for Desire” on YouTube:

For those interested in exploring the world of “The Pact for Desire” and Christopher Sammut’s other works, his YouTube channel provides a platform to do so. Available at https://youtube.com/@christophersammut, the channel offers audiences a chance to delve deeper into his artistic world, providing access to the film and additional content that enhances the viewing experience.


“The Pact for Desire” stands as a stunning example of independent filmmaking, with its intricate narrative, powerful performances, and visually arresting cinematography. The film invites its audience to embark on a journey through the surreal and the supernatural, challenging them to confront their own fears and desires. Through its exploration of dark themes and its captivating characters, “The Pact for Desire” offers a cinematic experience that is both thought-provoking and enthralling.



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